


The 2024 game was themed around music. This game consisted of two alliances of three teams each, competing against each other to win the match. Teams needed to intake and shoot Notes (orange rings) into the Amp (vertical pocket) and the Speaker (tall structure with an opening) during both the autonomous and tele-operated phases in order to score points. As the last 20 seconds of the match approached, robots race to the Stage where they will attempt to hang from the chains.


  • Imagery Award (Hueneme Port Regional Week 1)
  • Regional Finalists (San Diego Regional presented by Qualcomm Week 4)

Varsum Uppror Av Båtens (The Gentle Rebellion of the Boat)

Varsam Underskrittaver Pyroman (The Gentle Signature of an Arsonist)



The 2023 game was themed around energy and sustainable development. This game consisted of two alliances of three teams each, competing against each other to win the match. Within the autonomous and the tele-operated portion of the game, robots can move towards the middle to try and balance on the Charging Stations (balancing panels) or they can place Cubes and Cones on the Nodes (scoring structure) to score more points.



The 2022 game was themed around transportation. This game consisted of two alliances of three teams each, competing against each other to win the match. As the match commences, the goal of each alliance is to shoot Cargo (inflatable balls) into the Central Hub which has two levels. In the end, robots have the option to hang on a series of Hangars (bars) to end the game and get ahead of the other alliance. 

Varsam Undergångsstämning (The Gentle Atmosphere of Doom)

Varsam Ulv i fårakläder (The Gentle Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing)

2020 & 2021


The 2020 & 2021 game was themed around the idea of a futuristic city. Due to COVID-19, the game was suspended of any physical competitions, however, the same game would be played in 2021 with some changes. This game consisted of two alliances of three teams each, competing against each other to win the match. Alliances were expected to activate the Shield Generator by shooting Power Cells (foam balls) into goals of various heights or by spinning the Control Panel (picker wheel). As the match comes to a close, teams race to hang on the Shield Generator and completely lift off of the ground.



The 2019 game was themed around the idea of outer space. This game consisted of two alliances of three teams each, competing against each other to win the match. Both alliances are tasked with placing Hatch Panels (disks) and Cargo (orange balls) onto Rockets (vertical goals) and Cargo Ships (loading station) before returning to their own 

Varsam Undermedvetna (The Gentle Subconscious)

Varsam Uppståndelse (The Gentle Resurrection)



The 2018 game was themed around the idea of retro 8-Bit. This game consisted of two alliances of three teams each, competing against each other to win the match. To win points, robots place Power Cubes (milk crates) on large balancing scaled to make it tip to their advantage or teams can trade Power Cubes for temporary power ups in the match. At the end of the match, robots will attempt to hang from a rung attached to the center of the tower.



The 2017 game was themed around the idea of steampunk. This game consisted of two alliances of three teams each, competing against each other to win the match. Robots are expected to shoot Fuel (wiffle balls) into a Boiler (smokestack) which then transports it to the Airship (middle stage). Points are also won by loading the Airship with Gears. Similar to other FRC games, at the end of the match robots can climb and hang onto ropes attached to the Airship.

Varsam Utmanövrera (The Gentle Outmaneuver)

Varsam Utrensmingkrash (The Gentle Purge Crash)



The 2016 game was themed around the idea of storming the castle. This game consisted of two alliances of three teams each, competing against each other to win the match. As the match begins, robots race to breach the Outer Works (defenses) of their opponents and to capture their towers by firing Boulders (small foam balls) at it. Once the tower is captured, you can also choose to scale the wall.



The 2015 game was themed around the idea of recycling. This game consisted of two alliances of three teams each, competing against each other to win the match. Once the match begins, robots are tasked with picking and stacking Tots (storage containers) on different levels of scoring platforms, putting Litter (pool noodles) inside Barrels (recycling containers), and then placing the Barrels on scored Totes.

Varsam Utrotningsmedel (The Gentle Eradication Agent)

Varsam Utgangusador (The Gentle Publisher)

2014: Rookie year


The 2014 game was themed around the idea of exercise. This game consisted of two alliances of three teams each, competing against each other to win the match. The 3 teams on an alliance pass an exercise ball back and forth to each other and attempt to shoot into the High Goal or the Low Goal to gain points. 


  • Rookie All Star Award (San Diego Regional Week 2)